The hills are alive...

The hills are alive...

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

...It's that time of year again!!!!

Well, I have snatched about four minutes of this rediculously cram-packed week to share with you a video...this is the Christmas play the youth did as part of our Carol Service this last Sunday. If you have a spare half hour in your 'crazy-leading-up-to-Christmas-week' and need a little reminder  about what Christmas is truly about then take a look at our 'not-so-traditional' Christmas nativity!...

Westlake Lausanne Youth Christmas Play; 'A Star So Bright'

yes, I know, this post had way too many 'phrases-linked-together-with-a-hyphen-inside-inverted-commas-but-oh-well!!'

Driving back to England on Monday so please pray!!! We are so looking forward to seeing everybody and catching up...Not sure if I'll get a chance to blog in the meantime so this is us 'wishing-you-a-very-happy-Christmas-and-a-happy-new-year!'

Friday, 10 December 2010

Ski debut!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen.... I give you....the first skiing episode in Switzerland!!!

(Which led to me being extremely bruised and sore...but we wont focus on that!! There is also video evidence of a very nasty  skillful fall, but I will save myself the embarrasment of sharing that too!!)

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Let it snow....!!

At the risk of causing all my regular readers to think that all we ever do in Switzerland is have lots of fun, I'm going to post some pictures of our 'young adult retreat' that happened this last weekend! It was two homegroups; the Students group that we meet with on a Wednesday and the 20's and 30's homegroup that we meet with on a Thursday combined. We went into the snowy mountains and stayed in a beautiful chalet! We had some times of teaching and a really blessed time of worship. The theme of the weekend was set by a series of talks by John Piper called 'Don't waste your life', a very challenging message about reviewing whether or not you are settling for second best in the way you are living your life. I know I was very challenged! On the Saturday afternoon we had some free we went sledging!

(If I posted pictures of our regular, busy, working weeks no-one would read this blog...we do work hard too you know! I promise!!)

 No, that's not Santa's early arrival! That's me covered in snow!!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

The Highway of Holiness

Well, I am just about recovered from the weekend enough now to reflect and tell you guys all about it! In a word....Brilliant! The weekend was titled 'The Highway of Holiness' and our focus was teaching regarding holiness for a believer. A difficult task I assure you, such a vast topic! The message we most desired to emphasise was 'inside-out-holiness'; meaning that instead of the law creating pharisaical, rule making, back-whipping, people who have to follow a set of obligatory laws to be made right with God, we are to be made holy from the inside. It is by grace that we have been saved, in light of knowing that there is a desire to grow close to the LORD and He is clear with what He has required of us; "Be holy for I am Holy".

The weekend comprised of  times of worship and a series of both practical and theoretical teachings which Mark lead. these included a friday night session on The Highway described in Isaiah 35, Saturday morning teaching on what it means to be holy, followed by a 'practical' session in which we split the boys and girls. After having the whole afternoon off for a lovely walk in the mountains we looked at the topic of music, a subject as you well know is dear to Mark's heart. In the evening, we set aside a time for questions and answers on anything regarding the faith and life as a believer. The leaders (Mark and I, Martin the pastor, and Kim and John Bottimore) formed a panel and we answered questions late into the night. We were extremely encouraged by the wealth of questions asked and the demonstration of hunger and thirsting for righteousness.

Of course, no youth retreat would be a youth retreat without fun and games...the golden oldies made a come back-'Big Chief Wackeroo' and the 'Bum Shuffle'!

As well as a fantastic game of sardines in the dark. Needless to say we came back exhausted...and yet refreshed.

It just goes to show that God is our source of strength! Once again we feel so privelaged to be here and part of the work, we are mere vessels that God is working through us. In fact, on the way there when we had our car absoulutely packed to the rafters and full of teenagers with their knees under their chins, I just looked out into the starry night as we drove through the mountains and turned to Mark with a big grin on my face.
 "What?" he asked,
"look at what we're doing..." I replied
"I know!" He said with an acknowledgement both of us understood; We cannot believe where God has brought us, and what He is doing with us here in this place.

When we simply put our hands in the hands of the One who is in control of everything, the journey He takes you on is an incredible one. Easy? Not so far! Without any bumps or hitches? Nope, we've had plenty. But incredible nonetheless. I encourage you, if you haven't yet surrendered your life to God, if you haven't trusted Him to take you on the Highway of Holiness you are missing out on the best that life has to offer.

Friday, 5 November 2010


My wonderful husband took me away for a few days during the second week of my half term break. It's strange to think we were driving as long as it would take for you to get to Keswick from Bradford and yet we were in the heart of the Italian Alps! We spent our first evening in a B&B in a town called St Nicolas just outside of Aosta. The view from our room was superb! We arrived in the dark and enjoyed a bottle of wine on our balcony...

Yes, it was pretty chilly...!!!
and in the morning we were met by a stunning setting...
One of Mark's favourite things to do here is throw the bike in the car and anytime we might do a long descent he jumps out the car, onto the saddle and races me down...

We drove to Genova the next day and enjoyed the beautiful Italian sunshine, not bad for the last week in October!...

That night we drove up to Alessandria and stayed in a big posh hotel, we went out for pizza too (of course!)
The next day we drove back up to the mountains and finished off our romantic get away in the only way a romantic get away can be doing another 'via ferrata'!!

Well, that just about concluded the week. We did have Friday at another thermal spa place that had slides and then I had to psych myself up for going back to work, which frankly I didn't want to do! I was really struggling at the beginning of this week and I am repeating the same prayers over and asking others to pray for me for these things: energy, inspiration and enthusiasm! And I must say I ended the week on a high note-God is so faithful and His strength is truly made perfect in our weaknesses;

I was feeling quite homesick, especially since we booked our ferries home for the Christmas break. (I know, that should make me less homesick right?) but it just made me think more about the people I am so looking forward to seeing, which made me miss them more! (Yes, I am talking about YOU!) and I got a little frustrated on Wednesday when I wanted to do laundry (the basket was overflowing!) and I couldn't get hold of the concierge to ask for the laundry room key. I cried. Yes, you're hearing me correctly! I cried because I couldn't do laundry! I turned to the Lord, He listened to me complain a bit and He came to my pity party. I gave the problems to Him-homesickness, work, even laundry. He gave me His yoke in their place.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Thursday was a long day at work...and I loved it! A particular highlight was my last lesson; it is from 5:45 till 6:30 which means it is dark, I am tired and I teach two brothers English. Two brothers who, at the beginning of this year, came into lessons with arms folded, frowns exaggerated and voices gloomy. They might as well have had it written on their foreheads "I don't want to be here". Well, this Thursday they came in all smiles, we had good banter, I taught the lesson-we were doing body parts so I taught them 'head,shoulders, knees and toes' but in a rap version as they are far too old and cool for the song! I left the lesson feeling like God was truly giving me the energy, inspiration and enthusiasm I was asking for! He is so faithful to help us, then later that evening we had our homegroup where we meet with other young couples from church. We have formed some really good relationships with these people and we are so blessed; God knows exactly what we need.
As I write this our CLEAN socks etc (!?) are tumbling around merrily in the dryer...oh what a faithful God have I!!!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Preacher man!

 This week saw Mark's first opportunity to preach to the church. His message was based on the only insight we get into Jesus' childhood as seen in Luke; When Jesus is separated from his mother and father and they find Him in the temple amongst the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees.

If you're interested in listening to or watching the message its on the church's the link it is called 'The Boy Jesus'

well, must dash...Mark surprised me today with a trip away to Italy for two days...Ciao!!!

Saturday, 23 October 2010

3 generations, 2 weeks off and 1 pitbull!!

Well, this week marked the first of two I have off from work due to October half term! please excuse me one moment...WAHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!! oh, I needed the break! This week my Mum and Nan visited which was brilliant!! They stayed in a hotel in Saint-Sulpice for two nights and then they stayed with us at the Bottimore's house, we were house- and- dog-sitting for them whilst they were having a holiday in Croatia.

It was so nice to have my Mum and my Nan come and see where we live, work and have fun! We took them to leysin on the Friday, the cloud was low and life in the valley looked a bit miserable, but as soon as you got above the clouds it was magnificent!!...
This was the cable car ride to the top

The mountain peaks literally 'peaking' out from the blanket of clouds!


time to reflect...

Mum at the top of the world!

We ate in the revolving turns slowly giving you a 360 degree view without you even having to get out of your seat!

Just breathtaking!

We also did some more exploring while they were here, soaking and relaxing at Les Bains de Lavey a hot water springs place, enjoying a church service and 'pot-luck' lunch together, going for coffee and wandering around the local village together, feasting at a restaurant* together, and on their final morning we went to a beautiful lakeside town for coffee and a crepe...
*(the restaurant mentioned above was the Skipper and has already had a mention on this blog...see one of the earlier blogs for more details!!)

My mum is a treasure, she is such a blessing and is so precious to me. She has set me such a good example to follow and has been so careful to give me that good example. She loves my dad fiercely which is one of the best things she has done as an example for me! I love you mum, there is so much more I could say and so many words I could share, there is just not enough time and I wouldn't do justice to the way you have brought so much joy to my life!

It was a special time filled with precious memories, laughs and fun. It was a sad return to reality to watch them leave at the airport...the only thing we miss about England is the people we left behind. Friends and family we miss dearly are always topic of our conversation here and we think about you all a lot. I sincerely hope that we are part of your thoughts and prayers in our absence. As things here settle into a routine and daily life finds a 'norm' we need your prayers still. Please keep praying for us and our ministry here. Our marriage relationship and time together. The upcoming youth retreat and ongoing youth ministry. Also, this Sunday Mark is preaching, I know he would love you to pray that God uses him and speaks through him.

The rest of this week was spent looking after the Bottimore's house and their pitbull Tiger! It was interspersed with a trip to IKEA for those wardrobes we have been waiting now the appartment is a tip and I have lots to do...but instead I thought of you guys and updated the blog! :D

With much love,
The Batemans
PS, this week we wrote our quarterly newsletter, please let me know if you are interested in receiving one and I'll email it as an attachment to you!

Sunday, 10 October 2010

fun in the October sun!!?

Well, we've had another busy week at work and another exciting few days of play too!! On Wednesday Mark and I got the chance to go out exploring together, it was a beautiful day and we got up pretty high. We took the furnicular train up the mountain (far too steep and far to walk!) and had a walk up there on the  tops, it was beautiful...see for yourself

The train arriving...note the incline!

Mark admiring the view on the way up

Up where the air is clean...
Also this Saturday we woke up to a rather cloudy looking morning, surely not...? But don't panic, we were not stuck indoors all day. All we had to do was get above the cloud level and enjoy the sunshine from up there!! So Mark thought it would be a good idea to take me on my first ever Via Ferrata; its like rock climbing and walking mixed together...not for the faint hearted!
Yes, that's me climbing up a sheer rock face!

And, yep, that's me hanging on to a sheer rock face!

That's Mark hanging out behind a waterfall!

The views were incredible...when you dared to look!

The cable you see goes all along the course and it is what suspends you between life and certain death!!

A crevice to negotiate!
This is the zip wire finish to the Via Ferrata, you had to hook yourself on to the wire with a pulley and just leap off the rocks over a drop and a about a leap of faith!! The video clip begins with me just yealling to Mark "I love you!"...well, I had to say it in case it was my last opportunity!!! Needless to say, we are still very much alive!
So, as you can see our busy times are interspersed with fun adventures!

Something to add for the prayer list is I have decided to write a play for the Christmas service for the youth. Many of you will know that this has often been my job in years past! Pray for inspiration, I want it to be light-hearted and fun but at the same time evangelistic and with the serious and wonderful message of our saviour's birth! (And please don't forget to be praying for the up and coming youth retreat too!) mum and nan are visiting this week...the next post will let you know what we get up to!

Much love