I worked Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at Edukids. This week has mostly been about observing the other helpers, getting to know the children and the daily routines. My schedule looks like this on an average day:
9-11 am; Bilingual preschool, kids aged 2-5 yrs. crafts, singing, playing etc. Pretty hectic!
1:30-4pm; 'Enfantine' 5 and 6 yr olds not quite in school, English lessons (of a sort)
4-6:30 pm; 3 lots of 45 minute English lessons at varying degrees of difficulty.
I opted out of a Tuesday morning to add on some extra at the end of a Mon & Thurs, so I work long days Mon & Thurs and just afternoons Tuesday.
It all looks fairly organised on paper but I'm still getting my head around to it and re-learning all my nursery rhymes! Who would have thought that 'wind the bobbin' has a new tune!!?? And that 5 green bottles is now 5 green apples! My, how times have changed!! The biggest challenge comes next week when in the mornings I will be the 'leader' as the only English speaker there, the other two helpers speak only in French, so I will have to do the 'hello circle' and lots of other highly energetic, big smiles, soft voice type things that I am not used to!! Prayers please!!
Mark has had a fantastic week and really feels the joy and fulfillment that comes when you are doing what you know God has called you to do. He is really enjoying the training and mentoring of Martin as they meet together every weekday morning to pray and study together. Depending on which day it is they might be reading a passage of scripture and discussing, or listening to/watching a sermon which they then discuss, reading up on a theological issue and discussing etc. The afternoons is given over to pastoral work, visits and admin. Including preparing for the various midweek studies as well as Sunday. Mark is beginning to take a lead role in the worship band also.
On Monday evenings around 5:30-7pm the men meet together at the 'Skipper' in San Sulpice for a drink and an informal chat after work.
On Tuesdays we are going to a home fellowship which Martin leads, we'll go 4 or 5 times maybe just to see how the homegroups work here. This Tuesday's was a great opportunity to get to know some people in the church better, we discusssed what the book of Proverbs has to say about the sluggard!
On a Wednesday we will be meeting with university students for a Bible study, this wont be starting until the back end of September when the students roll out of bed to re-start their studies!!
Thursdays will be our time to kick back as we go along to the 20's-30's study group, we are very much looking forward to these times as we have met the majority of the young couples who make up this group and we know we'll have some deep spiritual chat as well as a good laugh.
Which brings us to Fridays when youth will be the focus...every other Friday we have 'refuel' when we meet at a church family's house to enjoy a meal, have fun and do a bible study together with the teenagers, some of which are from the church and others come along because there aren't many things like that going on around here. We see a real hunger in these young people and it is our delight to be a part of the tools God is using to draw them closer to Himself. The other Fridays will be 'Youth Discipleship' which will be a more intimate study with the Church youth where our aim is to develop strong relationships and see God work in their lives. Our first Youth Discipleship was last night, we had 21 young people turn up to the church offices and we had a great time getting to know each other and studying in more detail the sermon which was preached on Sunday. The young poeple were so grateful and all seemed to really enjoy themsleves.
We have been totally embraced by the church here in Lausanne, and most evenings have either been in Bible studies or we have been invited to eat with people. We're quite popular at the moment but I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon!! Well, I seem to have written reams in this post and I bet you're a bit fed up of reading so I'll give you some pics!
This is Caleb, one of the Youth in the church, his mum, Marinette is the church administrator and has been doing lots of work in order to make our living here smooth and legal. His dad is Alfonz, one of the church's elders. They invited us around to their house in the countryside for a meal last Saturday night along with the Slack family. We are truly blessed!
On Sunday, after our first Sunday service and first experience in the worship band we were invited out to dinner with some of the University students here, then it was such a glorious afternoon we just had to visit the 'local swimming pool' for some cooling down!
...And here it is, that pool I was talking about! (That's Martin and his daughter on the sailing boat!)
This is Ellie and Drew, the young people who are kindly letting us stay in their house and the four Slack girls after a very fun swim in the lake and war over two dinghies!
A beautiful view of the mountains from the lakeside
This is the view on our drive into work on a morning, the white one is...yep, you guessed it; Mont Blanc way out in the distance, To give you an idea of perspective it is about 3 or 4 times higher than the mountains in the foreground!
This was our meal out at a local restaurant called 'The Skipper', the men (Mark, Martin and Gustavo- one of the 20's group who we will be living very close to) had some cook-your-own steak! They gave these bibs out to avoid fat splashes on your shirt!! Very manly!!
The view from our table was breathtaking! You can just about see Su, Martin's wife on the end ans Su-Lady is Gustavo's beautiful wife; they are from Puerto Rico.
Well, here endeth my mammoth post for this week, please don't hesitate to leave your comments (only nice ones though please!) and if I'm missing any details out let me know or if there's any picture requests then let me know too! We'll endeavour to keep you posted!
Love and blessings.
Prayer update soon