The hills are alive...

The hills are alive...

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

...It's that time of year again!!!!

Well, I have snatched about four minutes of this rediculously cram-packed week to share with you a video...this is the Christmas play the youth did as part of our Carol Service this last Sunday. If you have a spare half hour in your 'crazy-leading-up-to-Christmas-week' and need a little reminder  about what Christmas is truly about then take a look at our 'not-so-traditional' Christmas nativity!...

Westlake Lausanne Youth Christmas Play; 'A Star So Bright'

yes, I know, this post had way too many 'phrases-linked-together-with-a-hyphen-inside-inverted-commas-but-oh-well!!'

Driving back to England on Monday so please pray!!! We are so looking forward to seeing everybody and catching up...Not sure if I'll get a chance to blog in the meantime so this is us 'wishing-you-a-very-happy-Christmas-and-a-happy-new-year!'

Friday, 10 December 2010

Ski debut!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen.... I give you....the first skiing episode in Switzerland!!!

(Which led to me being extremely bruised and sore...but we wont focus on that!! There is also video evidence of a very nasty  skillful fall, but I will save myself the embarrasment of sharing that too!!)