The hills are alive...

The hills are alive...

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Special Occasions

This week has been one of some celebration, special occasions are one of the things that makes living away from home the hardest. The people you love the most pass significant milestones and something I love about life is joining them in their rejoicing.

At the end of August we remember a very special union, 30th August 2008 was the marriage of Simon and Jasmine and now two years later they are happier and more excited about life than ever. They are a beautiful couple (not just in looks!) they have a generous united heart and love to help and serve anyone they see in need. Jaz is the kind of person you want around in a ‘situation’, she has such a practical mind and knows exactly what to do to make things work! She is very compassionate and she has a special ability to buy good gifts too!! Simon, my brother, is very hard working. He wont let you down if he says he’s going to do something; I remember when we moved back to Bradford in summer 2008, he didn’t hesitate to help us in our sofa dilemma! (I think this definitely deserves a photo!)…

I have always looked up to him as my big brother and I am so pleased he found himself a good wife (Proverbs 18 v 22 The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favour from the LORD.) , so guys…although it’s a bit late (c’mon we dont have internet connection yet!) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

On the 8th of September we celebrate Phil’s (dad’s) birthday too, and what a dad we are celebrating! I’m sure Mark would do a better job about boasting about his dad but he’s out on his Saturday morning bike ride at the moment (a tradition started by the two of them) so I will have to do. Phil has been the kind of father to Mark that demonstrates God’s grace and love. Mark has watched selflessness, forgiveness and patience in abundance and the way that Mark talks about his dad just shows the impact he has had on Mark’s life. Phil, you are his hero. Happy birthday! (sorry about the picture…well, I’m not sorry! This was also when we moved into Welwyn Avenue and you stayed with us until 4am decorating before making a trip to Kendal to bring a van load of stuff back!) see what I mean bout selflessness!!??


Another cause for celebration is that two years of dedication have been completed by Joe, (Joe forgive me for boasting). Joe has written, compiled, played, edited and produced a CD. God gave him the inspiration to write some songs two years ago and since then it has been his goal to produce a CD of worship to God and also a call to those who do not yet know God. He wants all the glory to go to God and so has made it available to download for free on his website. I recommend that you do, it has ministered to me so much these last few days, he is an extremely gifted musician with diverse ranges from ballad-type songs to some pretty heavy rock-type stuff. His prayer is that these God-given gifts are used for God’s fame. Well done good and faithful servant!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nixy!

    Finally got a spare 15 mins to catch up on the blog, thank you for our anniversary congrats!

    Really pleased that God is just showering you with provision over there, simply amazing about the car and house, bed, pine dresser etc. Really praying that God will continue to over and above bless you for the sacrifice of leaving home comforts over here and just living your life for him!

    Miss you both loads,

    Jaz xx
